The Hofreiters

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Happy Hump Day!

Today is Hump Day. Act accordingly.

I have a few things to address.

1. This morning I purchased tickets to see Kathy Griffin live for the first time. I love Kathy. I watch D-List like my life depends on it, I wish we were related, and would GLADLY trade several relatives for her, We are both very white, love trash talk and gay men. So I am SUPER excited to be ONLY 15 rows from the stage to see her. And the hubs is going with me, this is my Christmas present from him. He is the best husband ever. The only bad part... the show isn't until MARCH! =( It feels like years from now.

2. It is December 1 today. So I hope your counting down, because there are only 24 days until Christmas. Which I won't be spending with my husband. That's right, the hubs has to work on CHRISTMAS DAY. What kind of shitty job is that?! Oh yeah the shitty tech support job he's had for years. UHG! I wish he would at least try to find a new job. One that's closed on federal holidays perhaps, or at least Christmas day.

3. Saturday my parents, one brother and in laws are coming over for dinner/crazy Christmas party. We will all wear a crazy sweater/t-shirt (this is FL), eat my homemade lasagna and bread and then go buy Christmas Trees. It should be interesting, considering we don't have a couch, only have two folding chairs and two desk chairs. So I need to start begging people to borrow chairs. It will be fun, but preparing for it is kind of a pain.

4. Today is absolutely lovely out. It's a delicious 65 degrees, a little breeze, the sun is out and I love it. Hopefully it will stay like this a few days before the highs are back in the 80's.

5. I just finished listening to Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert on CD and it was a really good book. It was not at all what I was expecting but I enjoyed it and even needed parts of it. I needed to hear a lot of the research it had to share. So if you think you might ever get married... read it.

6. I am currently reading The Happiness Project, Or Why I spend a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean my Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle and Generally Have More Fun By Gretchen Rubin. So far I like it a lot and I plan to start my own happiness project in January. I will finish this book and then think about the things that will make me happy and the things that make me unhappy so I can do more happy things and less unhappy things. And I'll try to blog a lot about that so that I can make sure I'm keeping on track. I think I definitely need to work on my attitude. I've been in a funk for a long time, in case you haven't picked up on that.

7. I am trying desperately to get a new job by March or April and I'm willing to move. We'll see. I know I go on Applying kicks a lot and I'm always serious about it, but I really need something that makes me feel good. I can't be a part time secretary for the rest of my life. I'm a hard worker, I know I complain a decent amount but when it comes down to it, I like working. When I get frustrated at home, I long for work. But I have a stupid job so there isn't anything I can do from home. So I just sit and stew, watch TV, eat snacks and then fill this blog with pages of nothing.

And I'm spent. Time to get back to work. I need to cut out some stockings and angels. Lord I love my job... Bahhahahaha... NOT!