Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

Weekend, are you out there?

Today is my last "full" day of work for the week. A full day for me is only 6 hours, but sometimes those 6 hours seem like 12. Today has been one of those days so far. Tomorrow is half day Friday, during the summer professional offices at the college are only open 8-12 on Fridays. It is glorious, except for the part where I don't usually come in until 1pm so I have to wake up early, fight rush hour traffic on a major road heading toward downtown and be to work by 8. It makes my 8.3 mile commute take close to 45 min. That doesn't make me a happy camper so close to sunrise.

A coworker of mine is going to Bonnaroo next week! I am so jealous that I have convinced the hubs we NEED to go next year. Anyway, while doing some research for her trip she came across a play list online that someone had put together for other people also going to Bonnaroo, it has songs from all the bands scheduled to preform. It is an AMAZING play list. It has 451 songs from all different genres, and it is my perfect work mix, I have been listening to it all week and I saved the link so I can continue to listen to it until I have heard all 451 songs more than I can stand.

I've been going to Bible study again and we just finished Rob Bell's new and controversial book, Love Wins. I enjoyed it. I try to be open to new ideas and ways of thinking and this was definitely a new way of thinking about heaven and hell. It made a lot of sense and I recommend it, especially if heaven and hell are ideas that scare or confuse you. It has also been nice to have something after work that makes me think about something other than myself for a couple of hours.

I also just finished listening to Fast Food Nation on audio book. And WOW. I already don't eat fast food except chick fil a, because I just don't really care for it, but now that I know how much fast food affects all of the other aspects of our food in this country I don't think I can eat fast food anymore because it's killing us, and not just at fast food restaurants. The fast food industry pretty much controls all of the food supply in this country including what you and I buy at the grocery store. It's disgusting and heart breaking to hear the stories behind our food production and the abused factory workers that chop up our meat, pack it up and ship it to our local Publix. If you have the stomach, it's a good read. And it supported everything I already felt and confirmed some hideous assumptions I had made about food in America.

Today I started listening to Freakonomics on audio book. I am still working through the preface so I'll let you know how it's going once I've made a little more progress. I am also planning to start A Red Herring Without Mustard this weekend. Alan Bradley is one of my favorite authors and I am especially excited to read this book. I also have quite a list of books on hold at the library. This is going to be a summer centered around my reading schedule.

This week has been kind of difficult. I have been more tired than usual and really on edge. I've had enough little things go wrong that it started getting to me, so I am happy that the weekend is so close. I can almost taste the freedom. Saturday I have a day by the pool planned and I can't wait. I plan on eating an entire watermelon, an entire pineapple and drinking a whole pitcher full of fresh squeezed lemonade! Splashing around in the pool and reading. Hallelujah!

This weekend is also the goodbye party for the Pastor at my church. Sunday night we are having a dinner and wishing him and his wife well as they follow their calling back to the mission field. It will be fun to hear all about the work they will be doing in Malaysia and maybe a few of us can get a group together to go visit and serve with them.

Alright back to work... 1 hour 49 minutes. I can do this.

Blueberry Muffins

Hurricane Season