The Hofreiters

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June Birchbox

Birchbox day is one of my favorite days each month. I love seeing that bright pink box in my mail! This month my Birchbox has a bunch of stuff that I didn't even know existed so I thought I'd share them with you. 

First take a peak inside

Cool stuff inside:

 Me modeling the Modcloth headband in blue deer.

I didn't know that self tanner came in wipes or that they made a gloss for  lips and cheeks.  I will try and take pictures as I use these products so I can show you my June beauty adventures. It is always fun to play with my Birchbox products because I am pretty much the opposite of glamorous, each day I apply a little translucent powder to keep my face from being too shiny, sometimes I wear mascara (I'm not wearing any in the picture) and I use Burts Bees on my lips. Birchbox is like playing grown up dress up, and I really enjoy it.