The Hofreiters

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Origami Owl

Last night I went to my first Origami Owl party.

I'm going to be honest, when I got the invitation and checked out the website I figured I'd only be going for the wine and Kim's famous chocolate chip cookies. But I ended up really liking the Living Lockets that you can make, and my mommy loves me so she bought me one!

My mom made a locket with charms to remind her of all of her kids, yano in case she forgets one of us. I made a locket with my married monogram because I realized that the only two things I have my new monogram on are two LL bean totes that I use for grocery shopping. I also might order some other charms to make a UCF locket because I think that would be fun.

I can't wait for my necklace to come!!! They are ordering them on Monday, and that feels way too far away! Thanks a lot Amazone Prime, you've ruined me for life. Now when things don't show up on my doorstep within 48 hours I get all crazy.

I'll make sure to post pictures as soon as my locket comes in!