The Hofreiters

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Kelly's Bridal Shower Sneak Peek #5

Today is the last sneak peek! There will be lace! Oh and I just really wanted to show off my homemade confetti again. I'm so proud of it. There will also be gold balloons! I had two of them pop in my face while blowing them up, so that was fun. 

Last night Bianca, Christopher, and I set up almost everything that could be set up early. Non helium balloons, check. Streamers, check. Confetti, check. Lace, check. Pictures from decades ago, check. It's really starting to look like a shower at my house! 

Tonight we are grocery shopping, food prepping, and baking! Bring on the fun!

In case you missed the first four sneak peeks, check them out here: Sneak Peek 1, Sneak Peek 2, Sneak Peek 3, Sneak Peek 4