Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

30 Things I'm Grateful for in June

1. S'mores on the grill
2. A new coffee mug/tea cup
3. Donuts
4. Single servings of cold brew at Publix =)
5. Pool parties (even if we all ended up sick)
6. Gatorade
7. Antibiotics
8. Foot rubs from Christopher
9. Parents that are still well and with us
10. Dreaming about the future with Christopher
11. Tacos at a new place with the fam
12. Community - It is amazing to see how strong Orlando is
13. Caffeine
14. Weather channel cameras so I can watch the beach at work. This might make the list every month.
15. Digital Library loans, so I can reread Harry Potter on my Kindle. Those books are heavy.
16. Coworkers that keep me from quitting my job and joining the circus.
17. Crushed ice
18. Air conditioning - Florida is HOT
19. The AMAZING dads in my life
20. Curly Girl Design sales
21. BOGO coupons for cake
22. A window in my office
23. Frozen drinks
24. Cool state and national parks
25. Celebrating Stacy and Jason
26. Waze
27. Best of... lists
28. Hulu
29. Summer produce: corn, watermelon, Rainier cherries!!
30. Someecards

Birchbox: June 2016

Motivation Monday, June 13