Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

31 Things I am Grateful for in December 2016

31 Things I am Grateful for in December 2016

1. Corny nerd jokes

2. Christmas at Disney

3. Cracker Christmas

4. Friends that don't even think twice when you strip down in their backyard because a palmetto bug is in your shirt and then help you search your clothes and blanket to make sure it's far away from you. Oh, and the fire that we were sitting around.

5. Decorating our Christmas tree with cookies

6. Christmas movies

7. Making pretty sparkly vinyl things

8. Trying a new coffee place, Foxtail Coffee

9. The Rifle Paper Co. Sidewalk Sale

10. Another picture with Knightro

11. The annual box of Lowery's Candies from Josh and Kimber

12. A nerdy new experience

13. Wine with some excellent ladies

14. Another year of Miranda

15. Family members that will let my dog out and give her a hug for me on long days

16. Online shopping

17. Gingerbread houses and the people that build them with me

18. Taking Christopher to try Foxtail

19. An impromptu date night

20. Trying out another new coffee place - DUO58 in Oviedo

21. Nachos at a basketball game

22. Wrapping presents from Santa

23. Crazy Christmas light displays

24. Pancakes, Pizza, Pot Roast, and all of the family that shared those meals with us

25. Jesus

26. A Christmas beach day

27. Ordering new glasses

28. Seeing an out of town friend

29. A day to do anything I want

30. A new printer for crafting

31. Planning 2017 with Christopher

This has been a pretty good December, which is just what I needed to end this weird year.

Happy 2017!

5th Annual Gingerbread House Building Party