The Hofreiters

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Are We There Yet?

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I've been ridding the struggle bus like it's my job recently. Shit, some days I think I'm driving the bus. Do you feel like that sometimes? There are days where all I can think is, "Are we there yet?".  I want off this damn bus so badly, but it takes work, time, and oh did I mention work and time?

May is mental health month so I thought I'd share a little bit about my mental health and my gratitude for mental health professionals.

I've been seeing a therapist weekly for about eight months, so don't worry, a professional is helping me give up the driver's seat.

To start, I'm working on retraining my inner monologue. I spend a lot of my day helping people and pep talking my heart out, and I'm pretty good at what I do. So, you would think that someone so good at helping other people would be able to turn around and help herself on occasion, but so far that hasn't been the case.

It is so hard and so scary to face the shit show inside my head. If you know me in real life and especially if we work together, this might be news for you but don't worry, I'm not standing on the edge of a bridge while I write this.

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I spent some time reading positive quotes on Pinterest and searching for positive podcasts to start the positivity immersion. This is definitely a fake it till you make it project for me, so hopefully if I surround myself with enough positivity one day that will be my default inner voice.

So here's to positive thinking, an open mindset, and finding joy even when my mind is knee deep in a shit storm.

These are the podcasts I'm going to try out:

Sorta Awesome

The Lively Show

Magic Lessons with Elizabeth Gilbert

If you have tips or tricks for helping reset your thinking or introducing a little extra positive thinking into the day, leave them in the comments.