Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.


This year instead of a to do list I am setting a word of intention. My intention this year is to simplify. Simplify my routines, declutter things I don't use for a simpler home, simplify my schedule, and anything else I can simplify.

For the last year and a half I have been working hard to not feel overwhelmed by daily life. I think after making my lists and checking them twice, simplify is the perfect intention for this year.

I can get out of bed most days without too much struggle now, I'm not quite as tired, I don't find myself crying at random as often, and I feel like I'm ready for something more than survival mode. I hope.

Christopher and I started decluttering our house. So far we have decluttered our Christmas decorations, guest bathroom, garage shelves (phase 1), our offices (phase 1), the kitchen, and the dining room. We are even avoiding buying dry and canned goods for a while becasue we have so much food in our pantry and I cannot stand to let anything else expire.

I'm planning to complete a 30 day (or so) challenge each month to help me focus on one area at a time.

I'll post more about these challenges individually, but so far I am enjoying having an area to focus on... yano, when I remember that's what I'm doing.

Well, that's my plan for the year. Simplify, slow down, try not to multitask so much, and just generally learn to enjoy life a little more. Wish me luck!

What are your plans for 2018?

Pantry Container Labels

Bring It On 2018