Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

Here We Go Again: Plants

We have done the unthinkable. We bought a lemon tree. Now, I need you to cross your fingers and toes and send all of your best gardening thoughts to us and then just maybe this poor tree will live.

Look at those green leaves and cute little lemon buds. It has 19 buds and 4 lemons already, so I am hopeful that we can get some of those to ripen and grow.

I bought a new orchid. I successfully cared for and kept 6 orchids alive for years, and then in December I put them outside when I had my gingerbread house party, and then I might have forgotten about them, and they may have died, so I am going to slowly replace them.

This bright beauty was too amazing to pass up and only $3.75. I have no idea what it is, but it feels like plastic and is neon green.

Our aloe plant outgrew it's pot so we spread it out into a few more pots. While we were repotting the aloe we found a little snake friend. We collected a partial snake skin from the aloe about a month ago, and we were excited to see another one, this time head to tail, but then little Sam the snake (yes we named it) popped out to look at what type of monsters were destroying their home. It was us. Sam hung out for a while, but eventually fled to the other side of the yard. We hope Sam the snake has a nice life and eats all the pests we don't want around.

Oooohhhh, ahhhhhhh, snake skin. I like snakes, so it's a lot of fun to see them in the yard occasionally. When we find cool nature stuff, like snake skin, we bag it up for my mom to share with her preschool class.

I'll keep you posted on how the plants are doing and I'll be sure to report any Sam the snake sightings. Happy Spring, friends!
31 Things I am Grateful for: March 2018

31 Things I am Grateful for: March 2018

Shaking my Coke Habit