The Hofreiters

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12 Days of Holiday Treats Day 1: Ultimate Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies

On the first day of holiday treats my true love made for me, Ultimate Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies

I found this recipe on Sally's Baking Addiction. I've made these cookies twice now, once as a cookie cake for work and then again as regular cookies here. These cookies are delicious and pretty easy to make. Use my link above to find the exact recipe, but see my steps below. 

Like most recipes you will mix your dry ingredients together in a bowl

Whip your butter a bit to get things started

Add your sugars and peanut butter

Then egg

Then incorporate your dry ingredients

And finally mix in the most important part, the chunks of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

The dough will need to chill before baking, so pop it in a container or cover your mixing bowl and through that delicious dough in the fridge.

Bake these little beauties

Drizzle melty peanut butter on top, I melted mine and then scooped it into a baggie to use as a piping bag

Try to let the peanut butter set or just dig in. I won't judge.

These peanut butter chocolate cookies are probably a new favorite for me. When I made the cookie cake, I used this recipe and baked the dough in a spring form pan for about 25 minutes.

You can find this recipe here: Ultimate Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies

Let us know if you try these out in the comments.