The Hofreiters

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12 Days of Holiday Treats Day 7: Sea Salt Butterscotch Pretzel Cookies

These Sea Salt Butterscotch Pretzel Cookies are full of fun flavors and tasty chunks of happiness. You can find the recipe on the Cookies & Cups website. Let's dive into these beauties. 

Is there anything more exciting than a bowl full of chocolate and butterscotch chips and chopped up pretzels? OK, maybe a few things, but not a ton.

This recipe has you melt and brown the butter in a saucepan to start

I think I burned my butter a little, but it still tasted alright when I was done.

Mix in the brown sugar, eggs, and vanilla

Mix all the sugary, buttery, goodness into your dry ingredients

Add the goodies!

Scoop some decent heaps onto a baking sheet and bake away

These have such a nice texture and taste so good. There are definitely an all year round cookie, but I am glad to have them around for the holidays!