The Hofreiters

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Word of the Year 2019: Thrive

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For the last couple of years I have felt like I've been stuck just getting through life. I don't want to call it survival mode, even though some days that's exactly what it was, because it wasn't all just survival. I just don't feel like I've been living as well as I could.

This year I plan to be more intentional with how I use my time. I want to leave blank spaces and not be busy all the time. I want to work on getting enough sleep and drinking enough water. I want to go on more adventures, and spend less money on stuff.

I want to take a risk. I don't know what that will look like yet, but I have been craving change in a really deep way that I can only imagine will require me to do something scary as fuck, so I'm trying to prepare myself for that.

I am not going to make my annual to do lists, or set any specific goals right now. I just want to focus on taking up the time and space I need to be me, and as much as possible, fill my time with things that make me feel good to be alive.

Do you choose a word for the year? If so, what is your word this year? What are you planning to do more or less of in 2019? Let us know in the comments.