The Hofreiters

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New General Winter Park

We finally tried New General in Winter Park! What a cute place to grab a cup of coffee, a snack, sit and read or chat with a friend, maybe grab a local good or two, and just take in the day. When you walk in the sign reminds you to take care of yourself, which I love. This year I am choosing to thrive as much as possible, instead of just going through the motions. It’s always nice to see little reminders out in public to treat yourself well, whether it’s a cup of coffee in an actual mug with a friend, an extra few minutes in a cozy bath, or taking the time to prepare yourself a home cooked meal.

I love the simple, clean design in the space, and the friendly staff make New General very warm and welcoming.

They have an adorable selection of plants and containers that call out to me, even though I know my black thumb will destroy them. They also have a smalls selections of candles, home wares, shoes and clothes, and magazines.

Now, the reason we are all here, COFFEE!

This lovely creation is a Rose Thyme Latte. It was so beautiful and you could really taste all of the flavors. This was a new item, or maybe seasonal, I’m not sure, but I love fun flavor combinations when I order flavored lattes. The latte was good, but thyme was not my favorite flavor to put with coffee.

While we were enjoying our time at New General, the weather started to look gross, so we ordered more coffee. This time we got our usual drinks, I had an unflavored latte and Christopher had a quad espresso over ice. Delicious.

They also serve some bottled drinks, snacks, and a light menu if you’re hungry or not a fan of coffee. We spend a lot of time in Winter Park and I have a feeling we will be back in those comfy chairs, drinking coffee very soon.

Have you tried any new coffee recently? Leave your recommendations in the comments.