Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

30 Things I am Grateful for June 2020

30 Things I am Grateful for June 2020

We made it half way through 2020, congratulations for getting this far. Does anyone else feel like the “boss” of this bullshit video game is coming up soon? Like you thought it was Murder Hornets, but then no, shit kept happening.

I see you friends. I see you wearing that mask that fogs up your glasses to get groceries. I see you reading and listening and learning about Black Culture and White Privilege. I see you working from home while homeschooling/summer camping your kids. I see you getting life done even when it doesn’t feel possible to do.

It’s been a hard month for a myriad of reasons, but gratitude is even more important when shit gets hard. So, here are 30 (of a billion) things I am grateful for this month:

  1. Christopher

  2. The ability to donate to organizations supporting the Black Lives Matter movement and the Black Community

  3. Trying cupcakes from B Cupcakes for the first time, YUM.

  4. Another year of Kelly

  5. New soap from Naked Bar Soap Co.

  6. Cozy rainy days

  7. A new season of Queer Eye

  8. A Frosty from Wendy’s

  9. Trader Joe’s

  10. Getting a quote to remodel our kitchen and bathrooms

  11. A new throw from Johanna Howard Home

  12. Homemade cheesecake

  13. Finally going to the neighborhood pool

  14. Sitting on the front porch with Christopher listening to a rain storm

  15. Another year of Jessie

  16. Ordering a new fridge (it won’t arrive until July, and then I can be grateful for it some more)

  17. Planting some new herbs

  18. The 2nd Annual Natalie & Kimber Buy ALL the Cacti, Succulents, and Orchids Extravaganza

  19. Juneteenth and all it means to the Black community and for our democracy. We’re not free until we’re all free.

  20. Seeing our families

  21. My dad

  22. Our 5 year old niece calling Christopher on the phone and giving him a hard time for answering for her but not me. Best shade throwing ever.

  23. New earrings from Beth Autumn

  24. Cherry Limeade from Sonic

  25. Listening to podcasts with Christopher

  26. Air conditioning, Florida is too fucking hot

  27. Another year of Kimber

  28. Internet gardening guides - I am really trying to keep all these new plants alive.

  29. Working from home (especially because I get to snuggle Lucy, drink endless fresh coffee in a real mug, and stay away from Covid)

  30. Netflix Fireplace - Yes, I know it’s summer, I like to feel cozy.

It’s been a month, y’all. I hope you are hanging in there. Take care of yourselves, because you matter and you are loved. Stay safe, wear a mask, wash your hands.

Introducing: Under the Influence

Introducing: Under the Influence

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter