Natalie & Christopher in Germany

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We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

2022 Gift Guides: Practical Stocking Stuffers

2022 Gift Guides: Practical Stocking Stuffers

I love filling stockings. I feel like I am particularly good at finding thoughtful, small, fun little gifties that fit well in a stocking. Plus it’s a sock full of presents, what’s not to like?!

This year I am focusing on stocking stuffer gift guides, first up, the practical stuff.

These are some of my favorite things, and most I either currently own or have owned before, so they come with the Natalie stamp of approval. The stamp is imaginary, and nobody asked for these recommendations, but here we are. Enjoy!

  1. Chapstick, lip mask, lip scrub

  2. New hair brush, beard comb, beard products, hair products/accessories

  3. Smart plug or bulb

  4. Magazine issue or subscription - especially for people who love getting mail

  5. Cute stamps - again mail lovers

  6. Pens, markers, colored pencils

  7. Tech case or accessory

  8. Small kitchen tool or gadget

  9. Journal or notebook

  10. Nice socks

  11. Coffee or tea from a local shop or from one of my favorites

  12. Wallet or card carrier - add in a gift card to a favorite coffee or treat place for an extra special surprise 

What are your favorite practical stocking stuffers? Share them in the comments.

2022 Gift Guide: Fun Stocking Stuffers

2022 Gift Guide: Fun Stocking Stuffers

Friday Favorites - November 11, 2022

Friday Favorites - November 11, 2022