Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

Peace Out 2023

Peace Out 2023

It’s been a weird year. 


We traveled a ton and visited cool new places, including seven new states, three presidential libraries, and a new Disney Resort. We touched both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans this year. We celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary and Lucy’s 13th gotcha day. I grew food in my little container garden. I’m pretty sure I sent a personal record number of pieces of snail mail. A new cousin married into the family. I discovered the perfect Dairy Queen treat - Peanut Buster Parfait add peanut butter sauce. I made my favorite Halloween costume to date - a Ms. Pac-Man game. We started a Christmas blow mold collection. 


No new house, we spent the entire year living with my parents and all of our shit is still in storage. No real job, a full calendar year in which I didn’t work. This is the longest I’ve ever gone without working since I got my first job at 16. I’m sick of not working now and if I don’t get a job soon I think my brain will melt. We said goodbye to my parent’s dog Jasper. I had some abnormal celled skin removed, twice. We got run off the road and then sideswiped by a semi-truck. 

Our life explosion that began almost a year and a half ago has been so weird. I didn’t have a whole lot of expectations going into this hot mess, but anything I had expected, dumpster fire. I thought we’d be settled into something new by now, not still in a lurch. At the very least I thought we’d have a new house and our stuff out of storage. 

So while we have had a lot of really great days and weeks, this year has been an emotional nightmare and I hope we don’t somehow get caught in a Groundhog Day situation where I have to relive any part of it over. 

Peace out 2023.

31 Things I am Grateful for December 2023

31 Things I am Grateful for December 2023

Parisian Style Hot Chocolate

Parisian Style Hot Chocolate