Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

30 Things I am Grateful for April 2024

30 Things I am Grateful for April 2024

This month I am grateful for…

  1. The 100+ years of photos and documents that my dad has scanned and preserved

  2. An incredible massage

  3. My psychiatrist

  4. Starting a fun 10-day adventure to Indiana, Ohio, and North Carolina

  5. Dinner at a fancy, old, steakhouse

  6. Art

  7. Bagels

  8. Seeing the eclipse in the path of totality

  9. Roadside attractions

  10. Pretty lattes

  11. Going to a Savannah Bananas game

  12. Cool ice cream

  13. Botanical gardens

  14. Trips to Trader Joe’s

  15. Cool plants that grow here

  16. Another year of Mom

  17. Thunderstorms

  18. Finding a plant start of a pepper variety I’ve been wanting to grow

  19. Celebrating Mom

  20. Humidifiers

  21. Eggs from my brother’s chickens

  22. Plant nurseries

  23. Facetime

  24. Seeing the high schooler’s prom outfits

  25. A new raised bed for the garden

  26. Christopher bringing me coffee in bed almost every day

  27. Farmer’s Market flowers

  28. Lucy snuggles

  29. New stickers

  30. Oatmeal cookies for Oatmeal Cookie Day!

What are you grateful for this month? Let us know in the comments.

Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

Savannah Bananas in Durham, NC

Savannah Bananas in Durham, NC