Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

It's that kind of day

Today may very well be a two post day. Here I am bright eyed and bushy tailed half awake and sucking on a large coke at 10am. I've been at work for all of 20 minutes just to find out that the list (which contained 4 items to be completed) I left the other girl for Tuesday, Wednesday AND Thursday was not finished. The owner did one of the things, she thinks one of the other things might be taken care of, and she made a list of the people that needed to be paid by the 1st, but didn't print and mail the checks. Do you know when the 1st is? Sunday, today is Friday, which means all of those bill payments will be late, great job. And to think I am being phased out so she can take over my job. I don't care if you are the owner's daughter... you have to be kidding me. I read at least five blogs a day, post in this rickety old thing, mess around on Facebook, look through IMDB, read books, read the news, G-chat with anyone who is online and I still get all of my work done. We work for a construction company, this is a recession, hardly anyone is building anything, what in hell is keeping you so busy that you can't pay the BILLS?! Another thing, why can't you put things in Quick books? You had time to doodle in all the open spaces in the letters but you couldn't click on over to quick books and type in, T-mobile, $xxx.xx due on xx/xx/xxxx?! It just boggles my mind.

Moving on, I am glad to report that I am going to grad school, I will hopefully start classes in October and I am getting a Masters in Business Administration with a focus in Nonprofit Management. I plan on doing my online orientation today at work, while still getting all of my work done, imagine that.

Well I guess I should get back to work, I have to finish the list I left for the other girl plus my own work and then do my orientation and apply for more jobs. Then maybe I'll go to lunch.

And I'm back

I used to have a soul