Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

31 Things I'm Grateful For In July

I love reading Words of Williams. Each month Kelsey writes a post about the things she is grateful for, and this month I was inspired to write my own.


1. A neighborhood pool.
2. Sequence marathons with Christopher.
3. Lunch date with Christopher
4. My first paid Holiday in a LONG time. and America.

5. Hours of fun with my out of town besties!
6. Time spent with extended family celebrating birthdays.
7. Summer rainstorms.
8. Sunflowers for my desk.

9. Pretty insulated 31 lunchboxes.
10. Ice cream.
11. Orange Is The New Black. I love a good prison show.
12. Donuts from a work friend.

13. My Birchbox subscription
14. Being brave enough to try two new foods (strawberries, avocado)
15. A new ice cream scoop
16. A beautiful new purse
17. Creative haiku jokes.
18. Christopher finally shaved! We can kiss again.
19. New dresses ordered online.
20. Lucy got to visit Christopher's grandma in her nursing home for her birthday, and it was so great to see her big smile.

21. More time with extended family celebrating birthdays again.
22. Hilarious emails at work.
23. Lunch dates with friends.
24. Harry Potter for kindle from the library.
25. I got to decorate a new coworker's office for her birthday.
26. A brother that works in a wood shop and has mad woodworking skills.
27. My mom's homemade cobbler.
28. Unexpected dinner with a friend from out of town.
29. A new UCF drink coaster for my desk.

30. Half price cheesecake with Amber
31. Delicious Greek food for lunch with Christopher in the courtyard at work.

Hopefully I'll remember to do this each month, because I need to spend more time thinking about all the wonderful things in my life.

Two Ingredient Cookies

My life lately