Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

31 Things I'm Grateful for in July

1. Celebrating new adventures for a friend
2. Hamburgers
3. Summer produce
4. The brave people that defend our freedom
5. Watching fireworks from a tall, air conditioned building
6. Ice cream
7. Parents that feed me dinner when Christopher is out of town
8. Doing something crafty
9. Celebrating a friend's new job, even if it means she is moving away
10. Bang Bang shrimp
11. Slurpee Day!!!
12. Working with my brother
13. Sangria
14. Fazoli's bread sticks
15. Showing Christopher one of the tiny towns I lived in as a kid
16. Getting to take Popsicle's ashes to the farm to be with Granny
17. Audiobooks
18. Christopher taking care of pretty much everything while I take a class
19. Sleeping in
20. Another year of Josh
21. A delicious waffle
22. Kindle Owner's Lending Library
23. Family breakfast
24. A much needed beach day
25. My donut float
26. Having Trader Joe's close to work so I can get myself flowers for my office
27. School supply season
28. My paint your own pottery vase came out really nicely
29. Finishing my summer class
30. McDonald's iced tea
31. Surprises from Christopher

Birchbox: July 2016

Target Beauty Box: June 2016