Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

31 Things I'm Grateful for in October

1. It's finally one of my favorite months
2. Pumpkin Pie Ice from Jeremiah's
3. New shoes
4. Mani/ Pedi with my Mommy
5. Chicken Pot Pie from The Townhouse
6. Christopher
7. Friends that come over and clean my office
8. Being able to flex my work time occasionally
9. Molly snuggles
10. Dresses that fit perfectly and have pockets
11. Nice weather for football games
12. Someecards calendars
13. Curly Girl
14. Cousin time
15. Orlando has same day Amazon Prime shipping now
16. Chick Fil A ice
17. Taking family pictures
18. Hobby Lobby
19. Family time
20. Almost 30 years to love on my Popsicle
21. Amber, Bianca, Carrie, and Kelly naming a star in honor of my Popsicle
22. Delicious take out from Stefano's including a cannoli 
23. Mail from my friends
24. Submitting our building permit for a fence... finally
25. Coffee Date to plan our trip
26. McDonald's wifi and late hours for more trip planning
27. Sitting outside drinking iced tea while Lucy plays
28. Visiting states #17 & #18 with Bianca
29. Hanging out with far away friends
30. Being part of Kelly and Scott's wedding
31. Being in New York City with Christopher for the first time

30 Days of Thanks: Nov 1

Halloween at Work