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Natalie Reads 2019

I love to read! Each year I set up a reading challenge on Goodreads (find me here), and this year I finished my reading challenge in June! Most years I don’t finish my challenge at all, so I’m feeling pretty good about myself right now.

So far I have read 21 books, take a look at what I’ve been reading below.

I have really been enjoying the Sue Grafton alphabet series. Kinsey Millhone, the main character in the alphabet series, is a private detective tracking down people in a California beach town. I also like reading how Kinsey does her work without the internet, typing her reports on a typewriter.

The little book of Hygge inspired me to make an effort to have cozier spots in my house, light more candles, watch the fireplace on Netflix, and drink more beverages from a mug. Now I just need to keep my plants alive, and invite people over for home cooked meals more often.

Nick Offerman is just an amazing person, so go read all of his books.

I love watching Busy Phillips on Instagram, so I got her audio book and listened to it on the flight home from Paris. I love celebrity audio books, because they usually read the book themselves, and I really like to hear about their very regular lives, because I’m nosy as hell.

I heard about Thirst when Scott Harrison was on the Armchair Expert podcast and immediately read the book. If you like stories about people making huge changes in their lives to help others in need, this is a must read.

What have you been reading lately? Leave your favorites in the comments.

Natalie Reads Background Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Book Cover Photos from Goodreads