Natalie & Christopher in Germany

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We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

Just Crack an Egg Breakfast Cup

Just Crack an Egg Breakfast Cup

I am NOT a morning person. Morning is when I go to bed. If I never had to be awake at 7:00 AM ever again, I would be a very happy person. Unfortunately, sometimes 7:00 AM can’t be avoided, and when it can’t I need a breakfast that is basically easy enough a kindergartener could make it.

I love oatmeal, but I can only handle so many days in a row of the same thing. All the best tasting cereals are pretty much dessert. Store bought bagels suck. I am not about to make a full egg breakfast, becasue again, not a morning person. So when I saw Jenna Fisher eating one of these Just Crack an Egg breakfast cups, I was in. I’ve been using the Walmart Grocery Pick Up a decent amount recently because we live near a Neighborhood Market, so I added one of these cups to my order last week.


All American Scramble was the only flavor available, but it’s also probably the one I would have picked anyway, because bacon. My Walmart Neighborhood Market has these cups for $1.98 each, so add the cost of an egg, and you have breakfast for under $2.50


All of the ingredients come packaged in their own baggies to keep them fresh. I appreciate the freshness, but that is a lot of packaging.


You just have to add an egg, scramble it a little, stir in the other ingredients and microwave. I added salt and pepper, because I’m not a wild animal.


This is everything all mixed together before I popped it into the microwave.


Ta Da! The finished product. It’s not terribly photogenic, but what scramble is? It tasted pretty good and I’ve already added another one to my grocery pick up order for next time.

Do you have any super easy and fast breakfasts that you love? Please leave them in the comments!

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