Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

31 Things I am Grateful for January 2021

31 Things I am Grateful for January 2021

Better late than never, right?

2021 has had an interesting start. I’m hopeful that this year will get it’s shit together and end up being a little better than 2020, but damn dude, hurry it up.

Still, even in the weirdness that we are living through, there is plenty to be grateful for.

  1. Visiting my parent’s new house in VA for the first time since they moved in

  2. Roasted marshmallow latte from Wolf Hills Coffee - it had an actual roasted marshmallow in it.

  3. Hot Cocoa bomb, also from Wolf Hills Coffee - so much fun!

  4. An afternoon of working from The Girl & The Raven, next to a real fire in a real fireplace.

  5. Cheddar rounds from Pal’s. IYKYK

  6. Lucy and Jasper getting along

  7. Homemade croutons made from homemade bread

  8. SNOW, it snowed ALL day and it was the most perfect soft snow

  9. Building a snowman

  10. New pens

  11. My grandma recovered from Covid

  12. Having a house cleaning service

  13. B12 injections

  14. Working from home

  15. Turning 35

  16. Another year of Grandma Marty/Gigi

  17. Two bouquets of lovely birthday flowers, I’ve never gotten two before!

  18. Facetime with the nieces

  19. Organizational stuff from the Container Store

  20. Being able to watch the entire inauguration while working, also palindrome day

  21. Amanda Gorman, her words and her presence are incredible

  22. Ice cream with Hannah and dinner with Bianca all in one week

  23. Bernie Sanders memes

  24. Harry Potter LEGO set

  25. Cookout Milkshakes & Potbelly Sandwich Works

  26. Seeing Carrie

  27. My youngest brother moving into his first apartment

  28. The family piano coming to live at our house

  29. Homemade biscuits

  30. Seeing more snow

  31. Another successful sleepover

Cheers to another month in the books.

Word of the Year 2021: Connect

Word of the Year 2021: Connect

Our Home Renovation: Progress

Our Home Renovation: Progress