Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

The Great Escape: Five Month Update

The Great Escape: Five Month Update

It’s been almost five months since we exploded our life, 145 days to be exact. I’d say it’s time for an update.

We still haven’t found a place to live and are still living with my parents. We’ve expanded our search area to include North and South Carolina, specifically Greenville, SC and Raleigh, NC. We spent a week in Greenville exploring earlier this month and plan to try and get in a little exploring time in Raleigh soon.

In October we decided that with the Holidays and snow season coming up it didn’t make sense to continue our search because moving in the snow or on Christmas Eve sounded not fun. Hopefully we will be more successful finding our own place to live at the beginning of 2023. We also decided that if we end up in the Carolinas we will rent first so we can get to know the areas a little better before comitting to purchase a home.

Christopher is still working remotely in the same job, and I am still living that housewife life. I’ve still been writing most days, trying to read books, and generally recover from burnout as much as I can. Some days I feel like a functioning person and some days I survive the day. It’s hard not having a routine and not having a clue what the future looks like. I love a plan and this inbetween is hard for me. I do like the flexibility of the unknown right now, but it can also be overwhelming when you realize you have infinite options.

Lucy is as cute as ever and in just a few weeks we will celebrate her 14th gotcha anniversary. She continues to be a comfort to me on days when I struggle.

I’m smack dab in the middle of a pretty relentless depressive episode or series of episodes and no joke I’d take a destructive manic episode right now just to spice things up. Seriously though, Christopher has been really kind and supportive durining this struggle. We’ve gotten out of the house and explored new places, gone to Orlando to indulge in the things I miss, he’s made sure to provide as many comforts as her can, and I appreciate it so much.

Over the last few months I have enjoyed going back to Orlando to visit, but i know leaving was the right choice. I occasionally miss students and look at college job postings, but I know that leaving education was the right choice. It’s hard to imagine what the future holds for us, but I know we will keep making the next right choice. It’s all part of the adventure, at least that’s what I keep telling myself.

Ilchester Cheese Advent Calendar Review

Ilchester Cheese Advent Calendar Review

2022 Year End Review

2022 Year End Review