Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

30 Things I am Grateful for September 2022

30 Things I am Grateful for September 2022

September began and ended with fun travel and had some disappointing no house finding time in between. Thankfully the weather is getting cool and the leaves are starting to change colors, so that helps cushion the blows on the house front. Like always there is plenty to be grateful for, even when there are lots of sad days.

This month I am grateful for:

  1. Iced lattes

  2. Watching the sunset at Lake Michigan

  3. Going to the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum (my first one!)

  4. Being reunited with Lucy after 10 days away

  5. A day to rest

  6. My sweatshirt blanket

  7. A new plant

  8. Writing at Wolf Hills Coffee

  9. A random firework display

  10. Seeing wildlife

  11. Being close to a Cook Out and their extensive milkshake menu

  12. Another year of Arie

  13. A cute new Halloween glass

  14. Pumpkin lights from Dollar General

  15. Grocery pick up

  16. A fresh fall manicure

  17. The County Fair

  18. Mini piñatas from Target

  19. Pizza

  20. Another year of Jacob

  21. Drive with the windows down weather

  22. French onion soup

  23. Orange creamsicle soft serve

  24. Going to our first apple festival

  25. Coffee on a rainy day

  26. Lucy getting to run around in my brother’s backyard

  27. Finding my denim jacket in storage before it got cold

  28. Jacob watching Lucy while we go on vacation

  29. New mascara

  30. The leaves starting to change

Thanks for bring fall, September. See ya next year.

Packing for Our Cruise to Alaska

Packing for Our Cruise to Alaska

A Lucy Pup-date

A Lucy Pup-date