Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

28 Things I'm Grateful for February 2023

28 Things I'm Grateful for February 2023

I hope you had a lovely love month! Here are some things I am grateful for this February:

  1. Valentine’s Day crafts

  2. Flying to Orlando for the weekend

  3. Seeing some of my favorite people

  4. Wicked!!!

  5. Bagel King

  6. Foxtail Coffee

  7. Fresh flowers

  8. Clean sheets

  9. Mental health medications

  10. Our first time axe throwing

  11. Another year of my dad

  12. SNOW, even though it didn’t stick

  13. Super Bowl snack foods

  14. Drive-thru car washes

  15. Girl Scout Cookies

  16. Coffee dates with Christopher

  17. Visiting Wilmore, KY with Christopher, Dad, and my youngest brother

  18. Visiting the KFC museum

  19. Buc-ee’s

  20. Nine years with Jasper, the upside down dog

  21. A frozen pizza taste test night

  22. Another year of my oldest niece

  23. Early spring flowers popping up

  24. Bagels twice in one month!

  25. Hiking in Petroglyph National Monument

  26. Seeing the cutest tiny snowball flakes

  27. Desert sunsets

  28. Being able to tag along with Christopher on his work trips

See you in a month with my next gratitude list.

Frozen Pizza Taste Test

Frozen Pizza Taste Test

Friday Favorites - February 24, 2023

Friday Favorites - February 24, 2023