Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

30 Things I am Grateful for November 2019

30 Things I am Grateful for November 2019

  1. Finding Gluhwein at Trader Joe’s

  2. UCF Football Win

  3. Hanging out with Molly, Heidi, and Josh

  4. A mid-day run home to pet Lucy

  5. Google Hangouts

  6. A massage

  7. UberEats

  8. A day off after a week of LONG work days

  9. Food and Wine Festival + the new fireworks show at Epcot

  10. Beef stew homemade by mom

  11. The ability to take the day off to take my mom to an appointment

  12. Christopher surprising me by coming home a day early from his work trip

  13. A fun glittery craft project

  14. Dinner with the parents

  15. Seeing Escape to Margaritaville with Christopher

  16. Breakfast at Cracker Barrel in front of the fireplace

  17. Pedicures with Bianca

  18. Family dinner

  19. Peppermint Hold the Cones from Trader Joe’s

  20. Lunch with Kera

  21. A surprise tater tot in my fries

  22. A maple latte to start the day

  23. A fun date night

  24. Family time

  25. Christmas decorating

  26. Another year of Gerardo

  27. Another year of Jenn

  28. Family time to celebrate Thanksgiving

  29. Blintzes and UCF Football

  30. Weekend stay at Disney

Peanut Butter Blossoms

Peanut Butter Blossoms

Almond Cookies

Almond Cookies