Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

30 Things I am Grateful for November 2020

30 Things I am Grateful for November 2020

I’m not going to lie, this list has a lot of foods on it this month. We’ve been prepping for some home renovation projects and treating ourselves for packing boxes and painting, and generally adulting. While I wouldn’t say I am grateful for Covid/any global pandemic, some of the side effects have helped me to really focus on slowing down, enjoying more of the small things, and realizing that life really is short. I hope you are taking good care of yourself and doing the best you can to stay positive in such a scary time.

This month I am thankful for:

  1. Costco Apple Pie

  2. Fresh flowers

  3. Democracy

  4. Blintzes from Too Jays

  5. Foxtail Pumpkin Latte

  6. A webinar on Pandemics and Religion throughout History

  7. Ordering some of the final pieces for our renovation

  8. Pom Pom’s Teahouse & Sandwicheria had our favorite soup, white cheddar poblano, for the first time in FOREVER. If you live in the Orlando area and haven’t tried Pom Pom’s, please do yourself a favor and do it ASAP.

  9. Getting mail from my nieces

  10. Pretending life was normal for 10 minutes - drinking coffee out of a real mug in a coffee shop. Then immediately sanitizing my hands and forearms and putting my mask back on and realizing it’s still a fucking pandemic. BLERG.

  11. Veterans. Thank you for your service.

  12. Trying the How We Roll (Mega Pizza Rolls) from Oak Flame Pizza in Henry’s Depot.

  13. Lucy, the goodest dog of all doggos

  14. Lunch outside with friends for the first time since march

  15. A little Christmas crafting

  16. My new inflatable Christmas Cactus

  17. My new A Christmas Story leg lamp night light

  18. The fireplace on Netflix, it’s far too hot to have a real fire in FL and we don’t have a fireplace anyway.

  19. FaceTime

  20. Christmas lights

  21. Blizzards (from DQ)

  22. Bianca letting us use her house while ours is being remodeled

  23. Peppermint chip milkshakes from Chick Fil A

  24. Library ebooks and audiobooks

  25. A few more successful Lucy and Jasper hangouts

  26. Thanksgiving with my family

  27. Another year of Jenn & Gerardo

  28. Night of a Million Lights at Give Kids the World Village - SO AMAZING

  29. Holiday treat deliver from Eola Coffee Company & Wondermade

  30. Podcasts

Our Home Renovation: Before

Our Home Renovation: Before

31 Things I'm Grateful for October 2020

31 Things I'm Grateful for October 2020