Natalie & Christopher in Germany

Hey there!

We are Natalie and Christopher. We blog about life in the suburbs of Orlando, FL with no kids and one dog. Thanks for checking in.

14 Years of Marriage

14 Years of Marriage

Today Christopher and I celebrate 14 years of marriage. We really know how to party, so we spent the day driving to Georgia because he has an on-site for work this week and I figured being together in the car was better than spending the week apart.

Christopher and I met TWENTY FIVE years ago, started dating as adults 18 years ago, got engaged 15 years ago, and now we’ve been married for FOURTEEN years.

It doesn’t feel like we’re old enough for all of those numbers to be real, but here we are. Our life together has been full of fun, adventures, annoying each other, and other regular married people shit, but this last year has probably been the craziest yet.

I’m glad we’ve been able to experience all we have together and I look forward to whatever comes next. Happy Anniversary, Christopher.

Dreaming About Our Next Yard

Dreaming About Our Next Yard

Ranking KitKat Flavors

Ranking KitKat Flavors